We have a problem... we aren't finishing well.

Join us as we discover practical tools to increase resilience. 


What is resilience?


40% of pastors leave ministry


up to 26% of missionaries leave the mission field for preventable reasons.

Have you ever seen someone leave ministry or the mission field and struggle even sometimes with their own belief in God? 

'Burn-out' and 'sin-out' scenarios are not new, and caring for ministers isn't either.

Resilience is the ability to harness inner strength that helps you handle stress or rebound from outside trauma or pressures.

We believe that if leaders will take the time to look at their hearts and walk through an intentional approach to deepen their connection with God, themselves, and others - before they are in crisis- they will increase their resilience.

The Mission

Building a unique team

We are building a team of people who have experience in ministry, missions and business. A network of people who are still involved in ministry and missions around the globe and are bringing their expertise to the common purpose of supporting leaders.  

We are teaching, coaching, mentoring and serving while consistently researching how many different ideologies and practices can promote deeper resilience for ministry leaders.  

Besides our coaching and teaching staff, we have are a part of a ministry board and have a ministry accountability team.

We are growing all the time, but we invite you to learn more about us and our team.  

Our Team 

Coaching to culture

There are many great books, sermons, and seminars, but activating and applying what we read is another matter entirely.  

We know that sometimes people just need some guidance and encouragement to help us to apply what the Holy Spirit is teaching us. 

It starts with an assessment where we ask you to be honest with yourself about 5 key areas of life:

  • Connection/Communication with God
  • Self Care
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Relationships (incl. Marriage/Family)
  • Work (Leadership/ Management)

Coaching to Culture means that we are committed to developing coaching relationships with you that will help you not only create more resilience in your own life, but in the life and culture of your ministry.

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